"I can help you!"


I've worked for over 25 years in advertising, promotions and sales, and spent nearly 2 years as a motivational speaker for a major international company. Currently a bestselling novelist and 'shameless' promoter, I've shared my experiences and techniques as a Book Marketing Coach for nearly a decade.

Whether you're published or unpublished, I can help. My last publisher called me a "marketing guru" and "whiz", although I prefer to think of what I do as teaching, or coaching.

"Dare to Dream...and Dream BIG!"

Friday, February 26, 2010

Twitter 101: Tips on tweeting, DM, RT, hash tags and more

Looking for tips on how to use Twitter? Well, you've come to the right place. Here are some links to quick tips and explanations for the very basics of the Twitterverse. You'll learn how to message people publicly and privately. You'll learn how to make lists of your favorite Tweeple.

Soon you'll be tweeting to your twits or tweeps, and RTing your favorites, DMing and using hash tags (no, that's not that bad thing that involves smoke!)

Twitter 101: How to send messages on Twitter

Twitter 101: What the heck is a hash tag?

Twitter 101: Creating Twitter Lists

Twitter 101: Using the new Retweet feature

If you follow me on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/cherylktardif), you'll become one of my Twalkers (Twitter stalkers...aka Twits or Tweeps or Tweeple) also learn about Twoogles, which would make you a Twoogler while you're Twoogling.

So, Tweers to you all! Have fun tweeting!

1 comment:

Cheryl Tardif said...

Twoogle: Cheryl's made up term for finding a search term someone used to reach her site and then commenting about it on Twitter.

I use Statcounter to monitor blog/site traffic. It shows the terms people search for before they click on a link to my site. Sometimes the terms are very funny. And I usually have some kind of witty comeback. Well, I think it's witty.

Example of a Twoogle you'll see on Twitter:

'Today's Twoogle: googled "name of a book about the real story of a girl and a whale". Whale Song is a real story. And it's fictitious. ;-)'
